Since its reopening and blessing by mana whenua last December, Greenslade Reserve has definitely proven to be a valuable taonga for Northcote. Over the last two years, careful planning was carried out by Eke Panuku, Healthy Waters, along with Kāinga Ora and Piritahi to ensure it was a multi-purpose facility.
Not only has the reserve’s new turf and gym equipment been well-used over our rather patchy summer, the planning and hard work really paid off during the season’s severe weather systems.
Despite receiving double the monthly rainfall in just one day, the green areas drained away easily into the newly restored wetlands, and the area was able to be enjoyed by the public the following day.
On April 1, Greenslade Reserve was brimming with activity during the Te Ara Awataha Celebration Day. Hundreds of people turned out to enjoy all the activities that were on offer around the reserve.
We know the reserve, surrounding wetlands and activities are going to be well-loved by the community for many years to come.
To find out more about Te Ara Awataha see the latest edition of Everyday Northcote magazine.