Sometimes a job is just made for you. Jennifer Pescini jumped at the chance to take up a role at the Northcote Information Centre after working on a casual basis at a similar centre in Hobsonville Point. “I really enjoy being in this environment and interacting with people,” says Jennifer. “The Info Centre is an integral part of the connection between the Northcote Development (HLC and its partners) and the community we serve. We provide information on the development and later this year we’ll also be able to help people interested in buying property in the development area.”
Jennifer says she gets all sorts of questions about the development, but the hot topics are housing, the new town centre, the greenway and cycle lanes. “The residents of Northcote are very positive about the community and really engaged and enthusiastic about the Northcote development.” The Information Centre has become a bit of a community hub in its own right, and the staff involves the centre in local events. For example, during the last two Saturdays (in April) the Info Centre was the final destination for Panuku’s Easter treasure hunt. At the time of writing, Jennifer was looking forward to handing out Easter eggs to the children.
Jennifer is married with four grown children and nine grandchildren. When she is not at the Information Centre she is studying psychology part-time.